Exploring the Moru Kopje

Exploring the Moru Kopje : Moru kopje is not just about the wildlife. It is about a wilderness. It is located southwest of central Serengeti National Park Plains in Tanzania in a total area of 45 square miles (3,259 Km. The name “Moru” is from the Maasai language which means “old one

Black Rhino

The Moru Kopje is home to the black rhino. All over the Serengeti park, black rhinos are only spotted at Moru Kopje. They have their habitat there and mostly they are seen constantly moving around at a place before the riverbeds. They mostly like sickle bushes. It is really special to see the black rhino. They are estimated to be 2,000 Rhinos in Moru Kopje place of Serengeti national park.

Gong Rock & Maasai Rock Paintings

Gong Rock: This is another amazing attraction of Moru Kopje. Gong Rock is where Maasai paintings are found. It is a collection of a rocky hills with unique Maasai paintings. The rocks in the southern part of Serengeti National park act as a good place for a game view. Many animals can be seen from the top view of Gong rock during the day. The animals include rock climbing lions, Elephants down the plain, Black Rhino, Waterbuck, Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rock Hyrax, Impala, Buffalo, Topi, Baboon, and zebras along with the wildebeest. Under the rock, there is a cave that was used by the Maasai as a place of residence. The cave has three partitions. The inner partition is where the mothers and young reside. the fore partition was the elders’ residence and in the last partition young warriors were residing. The rock is made of granite. It consists of red borders which occur as a result of iron oxidation contained in the rock, Exploring the Moru Kopje.

Rock Paintings: Maasai rock painting in the Serengeti at the southwestern part of Serengeti national park in the Moru area. The rock paintings were made by Maasai people called young worriers. The Maasai people from the horn of Africa came across the Nile river to Tanzania looking for water for their domestic cattle. The moment they arrived in northeastern Tanzania in the Serengeti area where Serengeti park begin to get its famous worldwide. The rock painting was made from a collection of different materials from the plains of Moru. The paintings are of red and white color. The red colors were made from the tree backs and the white colors were made from the ashes collected from burnt trees.

Candelabra trees

 This is a spiny tree native to Africa. The African Candelabra trees are also known as desert cactus. This plant prefers a dry climate similar to that of cactus and other sufficient plants as well as a large amount of sun. It is gorgeous. Moru Kopje has well-drained soil which supports the growth of Candelabra trees. This plant can be grown both in its natural habitat and indoors. It has some unique features.

Exploring the Moru Kopje
Candelabra trees

Shape: The candelabra tree is named for its unusual appearance. This tall sufficient produces flat rounded leaves along the length of its curved branches. These wing-like leaves grow on all four sides of branches. The branches started to be found over 3 feet (1 meter). The branches themselves curve out and upward from a central trunk, resulting in a candelabra or menorah-like appearance. The young candelabra tree is relatively straight in appearance, developing branches as they age.

Size: The African Candelabra trees of Moru Kopje grow to about 30 feet (9 meters) tall, with elder specimens usually reaching a larger size. Captive candelabra trees are usually smaller. These low-maintenance plants grow relatively slowly. However, pruning them is inadvisable, as they contain a toxic milky latex that can irritate the skin or cause illness if swallowed. If you must prune or move candelabra trees wear a glove and handle the branches as little as possible.

Uses: Despite this tree’s toxic sap, succulent leaves, and thorns, it is often used as a source of wood in some African societies and other parts of its native range. Harvesters set a fire around the tree to set the sap inside before cutting it down. Wood from the main trunk is adorable but light and can be used to make boats, doors, and lumber. Birds and monkeys eat the fruits and seeds, while cane rats and porcupines sometimes feed on the roots. Native cultures use this tree as purgative, wart treatment, and cancer treatment, Exploring the Moru Kopje.  

The great migration

This is a movement of the wildebeest together with their calves and zebras. The wildebeest migration at Moru Kopje begins during the early months of the year. It is the most natural wonder of Serengeti national park. As a safari traveler, you will get the opportunity of viewing the move movement from the close of safari cars.

The wildebeest have a calving season at Moru Kopje by late January and Early February where more than 8,000 calves are born each day. After the end of the calving season, the wildebeest begin their movement toward the western Serengeti. The movement begins during the period of long rain between April and May.

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